The Omaha Area Sanctuary Network will use its resources in three specific areas: to provide emergency funding for rapid action needs of vulnerable immigrants, so that no one is left without the basic necessities; to share the impact of the assistance given; and to provide accompaniment, which allows our community to show support by attending hearings in the Immigration Court.
General Donations

How are OASN Funds Used?
Payment for physical examinations that are required by immigration
GED , English Language and other educational classes
Payment for mental health therapy
Client Stories
OASN was approached by a social worker at Immigrant Legal Center who needed assistance with a minor client getting an immigration physical to fulfill the requirements for his adjustment of status. The family the youth is with is undocumented which created barriers to other financial assistance as well as having the cash on hand to pay for the exam. This medical exam was due very soon and the family did not have the $300 to pay for the exam upfront and this would mean the difference between the case being accepted or denied. There was no way to set the family up with a payment plan because it is not allowed and there are no organizations that would do the exam for far less money. OASN granted the funds for the minor client to receive this exam and fulfill the requirements of his application.

Working with Unaccompanied minors
Unaccompanied minors are youth who have crossed the southern border by themselves, without an adult parent or guardian. They are typically detained and then transferred to shelters across the country. They are only supposed to be detained for less than 72 hours. There is no time limit for how long they can be in shelters. Sometimes they are transferred to multiple shelters, across the country, before they are placed in their final destination, usually with a family member or family friend. These youth have a long history of trauma, including but not limited to: extreme poverty, community violence, physical abuse and neglect from caretakers, the journey to the border, the crossing of the border and becoming detained, the process of being involved in the immigration system, culture shock, and the bias and discrimination they often face once they are in American communities.
These youth are often placed with family who they themselves may be undocumented and/or low-income families. There is no financial support to these families for taking in these youth (i.e. not comparable to foster placements). The families need significant support in accessing community resources for basic needs as well as emotional support. ILC social workers are familiar with the cultural nuances since each social worker is an immigrant themselves or the child of an immigrant. They are trained in trauma-informed care and use this and their code of ethics as a guiding principals in the work they provide.